18 September, 2005

My sister getting whooped on

Kelly getting her arse handed to her!

12 September, 2005


Since Aspen.... On to Baker, Nevada to check out the Great Basin National Park...Then on to San Francisco..And then home to Los Angeles
Got to see the Cubs beat the Giants...Always fun to tailgate
And ZeitGeist is a great bar!

03 September, 2005

Chilling in Aspen

Where the women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano!!!!!!!!!!
I love the mountains, how could I of left for so long! Huge MOUNTAINS, little ghost towns that are great to visit.
Well since my last posting I have been to Portland and Bar Harbor, Maine. Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Niagara Falls Canada. Chicago IL, Madison WI, Minneapolis MN, Des Moines IA, Kansas City MS, Lawrence KS, Denver CO, and now Aspen CO.