21 November, 2005

Freezing in Honduras

Well, it has been raining for the 5th day in a row....Cold, cloud covered, wet city! :(

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Santa Rosa De Copan, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

Copan Ruínas, Honduras

There are a lot of different people here, and each has his own GOD. But the only GOD I serve is Allah, and in his name I swear that I will do everything possible once again to win out over the desert. But I want everyone of you to swear by the GOD you believe in that you will follow my orders no matter what. In the desert, disobedience means death.

17 November, 2005

Some more pictures

Dr. Sagastume



Dr. Michel



Jesse Blaine

Danlí Hike

It´s not what enters men´s mouths that´s evil. It´s what comes out of their mouths that is.

16 November, 2005

Me Voy Danlí

Well today is my last day in the beautiful valley of Danlí...

I am off to Tegucigalpa manana for the day and night and then up to Copan Ruinas for a couple days. I will also be visiting Santa Rosa de Copan, Gracias, and other neighboring little town... I will be taking a dip in some hot springs, hiking through some wilderness of some sort and taking a bunch of pictures to show you folks at home...

I will be at my next rotation on turkey day to celebrate with other americanos (hopefully). I am moving to La Cuenca, La Ceiba, Honduras...

Come visit me!!!

You must understand that love never keeps a man from pursuing his Personal Legend. If he abandoms that pursuit, it´s because it wasn´t true love...the love that speaks the Language of the World.

12 November, 2005

Montserrat in Yuscaran, Honduras.

Danny Trujillo calling back to me as he is hiking up the small hill in Danlí.

Danlí, Honduras.

Danlí, Honduras

Danlí, Honduras

Danlí, Honduras

Suyapa, Rosa and Patty hanging out. (Our home heroines).

If what one finds is made of pure matter, it will never spoil. And one can always come back. If what you had found was only a moment of light, like the explosions of a star, you wo uld find nothing on your return.

Do you want to know what these pictures are?

The first picture from the blog below is of the most famous Church in Honduras...People here believe that the Matron Mother of Honduras was moved once and she didn´t like her new home so in the middle of the night she left and returned to this church, but on the way she stopped in a local bar and was seen in the men´s restroom (which is now a holy site).

The second picture is a boy at the birthday party that I mentioned earlier.

The third picture is of the town Yuscaran from close to the top of Montserrat.

The fourth picture is of my town, Danlí, Honduras.

The fifth picture is of my town again.

The 6th picture is a picture from my clinic. Where we compile all the drugs into little baggies for the people to take home.

The final picture is of a bunch of us riding in the back of a trip while hitchhiking out to Yuscaran. That was fun!

That makes sense, Naturally it´s a fraud that, in pursuing your dream, you might lose everything you´ve won.

05 November, 2005

More Pictures

To show you one of life´s simple lessons. When you possess great treasures within you, and try to tell others of them, seldom are you believed.

Daily Life

Work starts at 8am till 4pm with a 45 minute break for lunch. We see a variety of patients from ingrown toenails, to gripe, to eye infections, parasitic infections, dermatological infections and of course muscle pains from these men who have been hacking at the forest with knives for 50 years of their lives (and when these guys take off their shirts they are riped and look like 20 years with bitter beer face)... But all of these cases have one thing in common... The people with them always have had these problems for years... It is the oddest phenomenon...When we ask when did this begin they would say I have had this for 20 years and they are only 24 years old or something... and the reason they came into the clinic is that the ailment has gotten worse in the last 2 months...

Another interesting phenomenon is that people don´t know how many people live in their houses...One minute it is 5, then it can shoot up to 12 or more and then back down to 7. But we never really get a straight answer ....

These are just some local observations...some are funnier then others...

So after 4pm we get a break for 2 hours where Myself and the other volunteers might run into town to do something or go shopping for cereal and water... Then we start teaching english at 630 to 9pm...This happens monday to thursday and usually are great. I get to teach conversational english because I know the least spanish and my grammar is atrocious... Which is kinda scary because I am molding they young minds and telling them what to say...h aha hahhahah...

Then after 9pm we usually get drunk ..j-k ... we talk politics and the american government´s role in the world and then call it a night

There you are...a day in the life!

This is what we call love. When you are loved you can do anything in creation. When you are loved, there ´s no stop at all to understand what´s happening, because everything happens within you, and even can turn themselves into the wind. As long as the wind helps, of course.

Picture explanations

THe first picture is of my first candle lighting...I didn´t know what to do..they forced me, held me down and make me obey their local religious laws... or else i thought it was just a fun thing to try and see if I get struck down or something...

The second is of the main church in Tegucigalpa... people come from all over to see this place and pray...

The third picture is of me and my buddy Jesse on the top of Montserrat, Yoscaran, Honduras...It wasn´t a long hick (4 hours up and 3 down), but I was so beat...My entire shirt and hat, underwear and socks were socked with sweat...Never have I sweat so damn much before... Ohh and sorry about the order of the pictures...

The 4th is of Danlí at night...so pretty!!!!

The 5th is a group of doooo-gooders from French Canada that aren´t separating and actually joining people together...The guy makes some impressive wood art and his mom is the one in the front (the live in Valle De Angeles).. The other ladies work to educate street youth all over Latin america...

The 6th is a local PEPE rally in support of the Conservative nominee for president down here... In a very small town - Yoscaran.

The 7th is cool picture of how small and old Yoscaran is..I as impressed...the First city with electricity in Honduras...That is something to brag about.

The 8th is the birthday party of Patty (one of the ladies that takes care of the house we live in) and my two buddies (Jesse and Eimile). All those kids are just some of the Patty´s and her 2 sisters... and all the sisters aren´t even 29years old... CRAZYYYYYYYYYY

The 9th is another picture of the Bash!

THe 10th is above the clouds hiking up to the top of Montserrat...So cool..walking through the clouds...sounds like a movie huh

The 11th.. ME with some great facial hair...ha ha, wait till I am done with this trip...Orthodox Amish Dude here I become

The 12th...The cramped bus ride out to Yoscaran to hike the peak... There were 6 of us youngens and we had to stay in the aisle and the bus had at least 100 people extra on it that wouldn´t be allowed in the states

the 13th.. The main surgery that is performed in our clinic... Removing ingrown toenails...Uñas...

the 14th... The front sign of my clinic

the 15th...a couple of cute danlí kids that allowed me to take their pictures

the 16th is an example of many of the houses in danlí.....there are many that are big and impressive with razor wire or electric wire around it and others that are tin shacks...But all of them are old old old...

I hope this helps...

It is we who nourish the soul of the world, and the world we live in will be either better or worse, depending on whether we become better or worse. And that ´s where the power of love comes in. Because when we love, we always strive to become better then we are.

Picture Time

Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time.