Work starts at 8am till 4pm with a 45 minute break for lunch. We see a variety of patients from ingrown toenails, to gripe, to eye infections, parasitic infections, dermatological infections and of course muscle pains from these men who have been hacking at the forest with knives for 50 years of their lives (and when these guys take off their shirts they are riped and look like 20 years with bitter beer face)... But all of these cases have one thing in common... The people with them always have had these problems for years... It is the oddest phenomenon...When we ask when did this begin they would say I have had this for 20 years and they are only 24 years old or something... and the reason they came into the clinic is that the ailment has gotten worse in the last 2 months...
Another interesting phenomenon is that people don´t know how many people live in their houses...One minute it is 5, then it can shoot up to 12 or more and then back down to 7. But we never really get a straight answer ....
These are just some local observations...some are funnier then others...
So after 4pm we get a break for 2 hours where Myself and the other volunteers might run into town to do something or go shopping for cereal and water... Then we start teaching english at 630 to 9pm...This happens monday to thursday and usually are great. I get to teach conversational english because I know the least spanish and my grammar is atrocious... Which is kinda scary because I am molding they young minds and telling them what to say...h aha hahhahah...
Then after 9pm we usually get drunk ..j-k ... we talk politics and the american government´s role in the world and then call it a night
There you are...a day in the life!
This is what we call love. When you are loved you can do anything in creation. When you are loved, there ´s no stop at all to understand what´s happening, because everything happens within you, and even can turn themselves into the wind. As long as the wind helps, of course.