12 November, 2005

Do you want to know what these pictures are?

The first picture from the blog below is of the most famous Church in Honduras...People here believe that the Matron Mother of Honduras was moved once and she didn´t like her new home so in the middle of the night she left and returned to this church, but on the way she stopped in a local bar and was seen in the men´s restroom (which is now a holy site).

The second picture is a boy at the birthday party that I mentioned earlier.

The third picture is of the town Yuscaran from close to the top of Montserrat.

The fourth picture is of my town, DanlĂ­, Honduras.

The fifth picture is of my town again.

The 6th picture is a picture from my clinic. Where we compile all the drugs into little baggies for the people to take home.

The final picture is of a bunch of us riding in the back of a trip while hitchhiking out to Yuscaran. That was fun!

That makes sense, Naturally it´s a fraud that, in pursuing your dream, you might lose everything you´ve won.