So Christmas in San Pedro was great. I met all the MOTs from San Pedro and we hung out and had dinner at the local Texaco station. One of my favorite dinners!!!! I had great company though.
Granada, Nicaragua...One of the islands in the middle of the Lago de Nicaragua. It is a cemetery and way spookie!
There is me trying to play nice with the monkeys on our boat that came for a visit and for a bit to eat. Don´t worry he didn't toss any poop at us.
This guy was a little bit more shy anwouldn'tdn´t come any closer, but was still very curious of what these humans were up to.
This is our mom and her baby She just jumped right on board...It was quite cool!
The pretty sunset over the lake de Nicaragua.
We took these to go fishing in between the hundred of little islands in this archipelago.
This is the road that circumvents the island that we were fishing on. I decided that wasn't be best fisherman, perhaps I would be a better explorer?
But before we could go fishing we had to clean out all the water that had accumulated in the boat!
This guy is rowing his huge TV back to his little island. Very common sight out here.
This is Puerto Cortes on Christmas eve over the bay.